The name of this website

Started by Bill Richardson, April 16, 2024, 09:48:51 AM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

    I never understood the name of this website, jreb.  What does that have to do with trains?  Nothing, I think.  When I first saw the name, my first thought was "johnny reb".  I suppose there is a connection there.  I'm not sure how I found it, in 2014.  I guess I looked up train forums and this site showed up, among others.  That name, showing up in a list of train forums, would be an anomaly.  Apparently, it doesn't matter.  There have been plenty of people on this forum over the years.  I guess it was getting along in years when I found it.

E. Hodgson

I believe it is named after the founders of the site, Junior and Emmett Bell. I am sure someone maybe able to chime in more.