Tapatalk Issues

Started by amzopff, December 11, 2014, 10:44:27 PM

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amzopffTopic starter

Is or has anyone had issues using Tapatalk for Android to log into the forum?  Mine is asking for login information, but then says "Unknown method: authorize_user".

The look and feel of the app seems different, so I am guessing they pushed an update.

Recommendations?    ???

Thank You in advance


I have the same problem on Galaxy 4s. Tried uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling and changing password. Still have the reported error.

On iPad I can login but cannot post a reply. Get "POST ERROR; unknown method: reply_topic"

Any clues?

amzopffTopic starter

I am running on a Samsung Note II.  Did your issues just pop up within the last week or two?



I have the same problem on the Windows 8.1 Tapatalk app.  It began the same day I read a message about updating to JREB.



Now my iPad app is doing the same thing. I successfully logged in using the web version on my iPad using same credentials as I did with the mobile version. And yes the issues just started with a week orvtwo

E.M. Bell

Guys, I will see if we can get Jason to take a look at this for us..

I thought it was just (I am not able to log in either via taptalk)....but guess not. 
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



Update today didn't fix a thing.



E.M. Bell

we have not been able to get this fixed yet...

Does anyone happen to know if this is maybe a bug with the mobile app??  can anyone use another site besides Jreb with TapTalk?
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



My other groups work fine with Tapatalk on my iPod touch and on W8.1.  JREB works on my iPod running iOS 6.., but fails with Tapatalk on W8.1.



Tapatalk was working fine for me until I logged on via a web browser to jreb for the first time in a long time on Sunday, now it keeps popping up with login failure errors. Running iOS 8.1.1 on an iPhone 6. Tapatalk version is 3.3, which I updated on January 7. I'm not sure if the puke was a result of the update or me logging in to jreb via a web browser for the first time in a while.
Is there any progress in the hunt for a solution?
PA Dan


Is anybody working on this. Frustrating. Tapatalk is colossal failure as far as I am concerned. Updates keep coming out and it just gets worse. Can JREB find another forum manager for mobile devices?


I have been working on a reaolution to the problem for some time now. Tapatalk discovered a security problem in December and killed the access for a day or 2. Ever since the release of the fix things have not been the same. Sometimes it will work and sometimes it will not. I am working with tapatalk to resolve the issues.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

E.M. Bell

Thanks Jason, I am sure you will get it worked out....and congrats!  Jason and his wife were in the hospital last night having a baby! 
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



I plan on picking up on it again here in the next couple days. We finally got him here today about 10 after 2pm. Its been a long couple of days.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


Pay attention to the newborn first!! It's more important for sure than getting tapatalk fixed.
PA Dan


Congrats Jason and family.


Since we completed the software upgrade I went ahead and installed the newest version of the tapatalk software. Everything appears to be working well on my end. Give it a try and let me know if you have any issues.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

amzopffTopic starter

I can now reply to this thread.  Yes, Tapatalk is now working.

Thank you


Mr. Cagle, many thanks! All issues on all devices have disappeared. I appreciate your perseverance.


...Congratulations Jason and family... We need to see baby pictures...!!!
